How quickly and easily you can lose 5 kg in 5 days, the most effective ways

Experienced weight loss experts constantly say that losing weight is a slow process.weight loss about 5 kg per weekBut there are situations when after a few days you need to fit into your favorite dress or go on vacation, the question arises how to lose weight in 5 days. You can not achieve amazing weight loss during this period but you can remove some really extra pounds. We must try to follow all known rules and recommendations so that the result is not long in coming.

Monotonous diet

The result is simple: at the heart of any diet is a specific product that needs to be consumed for several with rice for weight loss per week about 5 kgIt is clear that it is impossible to lose weight by eating your favorite rolls, sausages or fried potatoes every day. Therefore, for such a system, diet and healthy products are selected: buckwheat, rice, cucumbers, kefir, apples, citrus fruits, carrots. To make the diet easier to tolerate, it is permissible to "dilute" it with other calorie memory.

So while buckwheat is a diet, you need to eat buckwheat. Furthermore, porridge is not boiled, but steamed with boiling water, preferably without adding salt. How to lose 5 kg in 5 days, stick to a monotonous diet, if it is rather difficult to limit yourself? Of the "excesses" you can allow water with lemon, green tea and coffee without sugar, vegetable juice, one grapefruit and a glass of kefir 40-50 minutes before bedtime. The same rules must be followed during the rice diet. For best results, take unpolished rice. If you eat this way, you can lose more than 1 kg a day.

Many people who lose weight admit that dieting is really very effective. It's true, it's hard for an unprepared person to endure a few days on one product. First, the body does not get the right amount of essential nutrients. Secondly, the psychological factor plays an important role: it is difficult to go straight from a food variety to an ascetic diet. Losing weight in this way can lead to irritability, strength, impaired performance. Therefore, it is not necessary to continue feeding for more than 5 days.

weight loss per week

Fast food 7 days

The longest and most effective ketogenic diet. In a state of carbohydrate starvation, cells begin to consume accumulated fat quickly, so the food menu consists of 90% protein foods.

Sample of such a fast food week:


  • boiled eggs;
  • chicken broth without salt;
  • boiled fish, green vegetables.


  • kefir;
  • green apple (2 pieces);
  • a handful of almonds.


  • boiled zucchini, boiled egg;
  • boiled turkey;
  • kefir.


  • kefir all day.


  • cheese;
  • baked fish;
  • avocado.


  • kefir all day.

Separate meals

The food system is designed for a few days, where you have to eat certain types of food. Such a diet for weight loss in 5 days at 5 kg received many "folk song names" (petal, 5 out of 5), but it has one rule: it is necessary to closely monitor the order of units.

  • Meat (protein) day. It is necessary to saturate the body with animal protein, which promotes effective further weight loss. Choose a diet: chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal.
  • Vegetables. Choose any vegetables: zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, radishes, cabbage. Eat them fresh, cook salads, bake them, steam them. To improve the taste, you can use herbs, a small amount of olive oil and lemon juice.
  • Fruity. You can eat fruit other than bananas. Eat them fresh, make salads, bake them in the oven. On this day it is allowed to eat a teaspoon of honey.
  • Korn. It is permissible to eat porridge on the water, as well as a small amount of nuts. The body is particularly actively cleansed of toxins and prepares for the last day of the diet.
  • Curd. Choose fresh low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese.cheese day for weight loss after a weekOn the last day of your diet, you can see the most impressive lines.

This diet is more varied than previously described, so it's much easier to tolerate. For best results, it is best to avoid salt altogether during your diet. Weight loss ranges from 0, 8 to 1, 5 kg per day. The end result is highly dependent on the initial weight and nutritional characteristics of the diet. For example, people with a body mass index above 18% have the potential to lose more than 5 kg.

Secrets of Rapid Weight Loss

To lose those extra pounds quickly without harming your body, you must meet the following conditions:

  • Stick to liquid foods. Mistakes during the day should be made on cucumber, spinach or celery smoothies. Breakfast and dinner should enrich protein. To do this, they eat either white meat, or one egg, or fish.
  • At least 12 hours should elapse between the last meal and breakfast. It is during this period that active fat burning takes place that brings a long-awaited effect.

Get enough sleep. Adequate sleep helps in the production of the hormone melatonin, which maintains circadian rhythms and helps to lose extra kilos.

  • It is advisable to continue these days with increased physical activity. This will help you burn fat faster.
  • Enough fiber should be present in your diet for these 5 days. To do this, you should eat mainly plant foods. In winter, plant foods can be measured with dry fiber. It is mixed into salads, cottage cheese.
  • It is good if the chosen diet has one fasting day on mineral water or low-fat milk. This will allow you to keep your image in shape and will help to avoid returning already dropped pounds.

Drinking food

You can often find information that the beverage diet is designed for a month. But doctors are sure that such a long stay with any diet is dangerous to health.The week's weight loss diet covers the presence of fruitAnd not everyone can eat only liquid food for 30 days. Therefore, shorter versions of the drinking diet are actually used: 14, 7 and 5 days. Since the most effective weight loss occurs exactly in the first period, in 5 days you can easily lose 4-5 kg. So what to drink:

  • Water is the backbone of any food system.
  • Vegetable, fish, chicken or beef broth. They are prepared on their own without adding salt. Do not add peppers and onions to whet your appetite.
  • Fermented milk drinks with a fat content not exceeding 2%: kefir, fermented baked milk, classic yoghurt without additives, homemade fruit and milk cocktails. Milk is absorbed by the body worse than fermented milk products, so you should not rely on it.
  • Sugar-free black, green, fruit and herbal teas. Choose a high quality brewed product.
  • Symbols and jellies, cooked with berries and fruits, but without added sugar. To make your diet easier to tolerate, you can make jelly with oatmeal.
  • Fruit and vegetable juices. Choose homemade juice rather than preserving packaged box food. By the way, some extreme people, in order to lose an urgent 5 kg, arrange a drinking diet exclusively on juices. However, it ensures a lot of weight loss and is much harder to endure. If you want to choose this option, make sure you are not allergic.
vegetable salad for weight loss per week

Uniformly fixed

For five days in a row, you only need to use one product, first you can combine two or three.

Just remember that in the second week after such unloading it is better not to eat flour, fatty and salty foods. Otherwise, all the pounds will hurry to return to you in the first two days.

Apple unloading

The apple is a truly versatile product. There are no useful recipes with it. Choose ripe fruit and not overripe for fast apples. The fruit should not be too sweet. Choose an apple from the place where the ones that are removed are grown to give the skin shine and color.

  • At least one and a half kilograms of apples should be consumed daily. The point is no more.
  • Meals should be 3-4 times a day. You can eat an apple for the last time a few hours before bedtime.
  • eat apples for one fast
  • It is recommended to add to the diet, in addition to the apples, another 100 grams of protein: boiled chicken, low-fat cottage cheese, fish or eggs. This will help you not to harm your body.

Try spinning: bake fruit in the oven, cook them in a double boiler, mash them. You must avoid drinks on petrol, as well as the usual cup of coffee in the morning and tea at noon. Water is your best friend.

Fast on cucumbers

If it's summer and you're a little frustrated with your appearance, this kind of unloading is exactly what you need. You will not only notice the disappearance of the extra pounds but also an improved overall health due to the renewal of the water-salt balance.

  • Divide your meals by a holy number five. Make a salad from coarsely chopped cucumbers, season it with herbs and linseed oil. You can afford to eat one boiled egg twice a day.
  • This option is a little easier. The main course is cucumber salad, but with sour cream sauce. For lunch, you can afford black bread. Spread the meal evenly over three times, with the first meal at 12 in the evening. One green apple is allowed in the evening.

Curd limit

Curd is an integral part of a person who has made his way to a healthy lifestyle. It contains low calorie and high protein. How to "tighten" the tummy on cottage cheese in 5 days?

weight loss on cottage cheese
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner should consist only of cottage cheese. You should consume no more than 1 pound of this product per day. Try to break up 200 grams every three hours. This gives you meals 5 times a day.
  • Combine low-fat cottage cheese and wheat bran. Divide your day into 4 servings of 100 grams of cottage cheese. Soak two teaspoons of bran in boiled water and then drain. You can sweeten the dose with a little honey.
  • Kefir and cottage cheese are also perfectly combined. Meals 5 times a day. Each meal should contain 130 grams of cottage cheese and a glass of kefir.


Onion Soup: This is a very simple recipe, only onions and herbs.

The idea is that green vegetables carry negative calories.

The body expends more energy in breaking down these elements than they create themselves. You can eat it as much as you want.

Combine soup with a slice of rye bread or bran. So that 5 kilos will definitely disappear in 5 days.

Fat Burning Soup

You will need: white cabbage, 6 onions, some tomatoes, some green peppers, lots of celery and parsley. Finely chop all the vegetables, boil for ten minutes. It is no longer possible because useful micro-elements are lost. If you want, you can add broth cubes there.

Since the soup has a rather original taste, it is better to create a special menu:

  • First day:soup, brown rice and dessert fruit: berries, apples, pears.
  • Another day:soup and boiled or boiled vegetables. Avoid salt and spices.
  • Third day:soup, fresh vegetables, fruits.
  • Fourth day:soup, green vegetables, baked fruit.
  • Day 5:soup, lean meat, fresh tomatoes.
fat burning vegetable soup

To unload your body, you can get such a diet once a month. It is important to remember that such a diet completely eliminates the use of alcoholic beverages, white bread, sweets and soda.

Buckwheat one nutrient

The popularity of buckwheat due to weight loss is difficult to compare for any product. Within five days you need to cook porridge in a special way. Pour a glass of buckwheat overnight with two glasses of boiled water.

It is recommended to use buckwheat porridge without sauce, spices and seasonings.

You can also drink about a liter of kefir or green tea a day. Fruits are allowed.

Calorie Counting

To lose weight you must consume fewer calories than you consume. If you dream of losing weight very quickly, then you must greatly reduce calories. In this case, you must eat no more than 400-500 kcal a day. Try to reach this level by using the "right" food. For example, the caloric content of 100 g of chips is more than 500 kcal. And for the same amount of steamed chicken breasts are a little more than 100 kcal.

cucumbers are suitable for weight loss after a week

You can view the calorie content of individual products and prepared dishes on the packaging or on the Internet. But keep in mind that the caloric content of 100 g of the product is usually indicated, so you must arm yourself with a kitchen scale and calculator. Here is a sample menu for the day, which allows you to stay within a certain number of calories:

  • breakfast: small slices of wholemeal bread, 70-80 g of low-fat cottage cheese with herbs, a cup of black coffee without sugar;
  • Lunch: 100 g of chicken fillet, side dishes of half a pepper and half a fresh cucumber;
  • Snack options: kiwi, medium green apple or a handful of almonds
  • Dinner: a glass of low-fat kefir.

Recommended and Harmful Products: General List

The following are useful products:

  • varieties of lean meat, fish;
  • starch without vegetables, fruits and berries;
  • dairy products;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat;
  • egg;
  • olive oil;
  • wholemeal flour products.


  • fatty meat products;
  • Ingredients baked goodsprohibited slimming productsglucose, gluten;
  • palm, butter;
  • semi-finished products and canned food;
  • confectionery;
  • smoked meat, pickles.

It is important to follow proper diet preparation methods - baking, boiling, steaming.

5-day recommended diet


Fasting is becoming more and more popular today. In addition, they starve not only because of weight loss, but also because of health benefits. Fasting completely rejects food, you can only drink clean water. Enema is recommended on the first day. If you feel tired but do not want to stop the process, drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of honey.

In 5 "hungry" days you lose about 4-7 kg. This method of losing weight should only be chosen if you have at least a few days to prepare your body - the transition to a lighter diet. It is also dry fasting, excluding not only food but also water. But this option is only available to trained people.

How to prepare properly for the diet?

Before starting a diet change, a preparation step is required. Excessive dietary restrictions often lead to emotional stress, physical collapse.

reduction of the waist with weight loss after a week

Preparation level is required for diet.

The preparation plan depends on the type of nutritional restriction expected:

  • When it comes to eliminating normal ingredients completely, you need to soften your body;
  • introduction of new products related to allergy testing;
  • When any restriction is imposed, gastrointestinal cleansing is necessary.

The main focus of the preparation activity is choosing the best type of diet, taking into account individual characteristics and preferences.

How To Accelerate Weight Loss?

The lower the initial weight, the harder it is to shed. These strategies, along with your chosen diet, will help you achieve your goal.

exercise for weight loss per week
  1. If you have played sports before, do not stop exercising. If all exercise was limited to hiking to the end, a strict diet is not the best time to start a "sports career". But you can afford daily gymnastics and hiking for at least 2 hours.
  2. Daily packaging. Apply anti-cellulite cream to problem areas (thighs, buttocks, abdomen), wrap in fur film and dress in warm clothes. Spend like this 1-1, 5 hours where you can exercise with a hula hoop or walk on a treadmill.
  3. Take a bath every night. You can add sea salt, citrus oil, spring broth to hot water. To keep your skin firmer and firmer after a spectacular weight loss, use a scrub several times a week.

Rapid Weight Loss: All the Pros and Cons

Almost every representative of the fair sex has been in a situation at least once in her life when she needs to lose weight as soon as possible. And then the question arises for us: how to quickly lose weight at home?

Within a limited time, the total cost is entirely determined by your diet. Adaptation to daily routine and increased exercise simply do not have time to work in such a short time.

When you are thinking about how to lose 10 kg very quickly, you need to choose the diet that suits you best. In addition, its function should not only be to lose pounds without harming the body, but also to maintain the result.

Efficiency can be achieved in three ways:

  1. use of single diets;
  2. a significant reduction in calories from food;
  3. Correction of general metabolism.

The premise that a monotonous, lean diet is the key to losing weight is initially wrong. After all, 5 days is a rather long period for a limited diet, which increases the chances of failure.

Active weight loss in the first few days has the risk of slowing down because the brain can turn on stressful controls for the body and ban the consumption of stored energy. This can lead to weight loss as well as poor health as well as failure.

great results for losing weight per week

Therefore, even if you have enough motivation to lose weight fast, try to assess both the potential for willpower and risk for the body.

A popular diet for weight loss is a good exercise for further weight loss, but remember that any extreme diet promotes rapid weight loss. In this regard, it is very important, after leaving such a diet, to control the diet in the future and switch to balance.


In order not to become an enemy of the body in the pursuit of beauty, all contraindications must be taken into account.

People suffering from stomach ulcers, diabetes, gastritis and pancreatitis can not provide a "Blitz diet". Cardiovascular disease is also a barrier to rapid weight loss. It is also worth giving thoughts on how to lose 5 kg in 5 days for those who need a full and balanced diet for health reasons. These are pregnant and lactating women, as well as people in recovery from illness.

If you often get depressed, it is also better to reject strict dietary restrictions.

Important to know

Every fast food diet is stressful for your body, especially if you have not previously practiced a strict weight loss system. After going back to a normal diet, the body tries to make up for the loss that leads to rapid weight gain. If you want the result not to last a week but much longer, make sure you get a smooth exit from your diet.

Prolonged correlation with a rigid electrical system can lead to serious problems. Therefore, such diets should be used only in exceptional cases, for example when it is necessary to prepare for an important event, until only a few days are left. Finally, remember to listen to your body. If in the process you notice a significant deterioration in well-being, then it is better to stop the diet.

It is possible to lose weight in 5 days

A five-day diet allows women and men to lose excess weight at home, but they need body preparation and subsequent sealing. Before you lose weight, you need to start eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, limit your intake of fast carbohydrates (store sweets), the basis of your diet should be protein foods, as well as healthy fats and complex carbohydrates.

you can lose weight a week while limiting carbs and fats

To lose weight, start drinking more fluids - about 40-45 ml per kilogram of weight, this helps to remove toxins, dead fat cells: thus preparing the body for heavy unloading. Eat a healthy diet after the diet. during this period, the body will begin to store nutrients. Excess calories can lead to weight gain, which will be very difficult to lose in the future.